Tag: Manager

Explore articles, corporate stories and more featuring Managers in Food & Beverage Outlook, the B2B magazine for the food & beverage sector.

BNG Trading : Tricks of the Trade

As Papua New Guinea’s largest distributor of consumer goods, BNG Trading can be considered a pioneer of the country’s retail sector. Greg Baker, Group Sales and Marketing Manager, tells us more about the company’s continued growth.

OCP Africa : Committed to the Continent

Sowing the seeds of a more sustainable future, OCP Africa is transforming the agriculture industry one crop at a time. We dig through the company’s inspirational story with Country Manager, Oluwatoba Asana, and Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President (East Africa), Mohamed Hettiti.

Namib Mills : Going with the Grain

Since its establishment, Namib Mills has been sustaining national food security across Namibia and South Africa.

AB InBev Namibia : Beer for the People

Namibian beer is rooted in history and culture. At the heart of community-centric brewing, we speak to Herman Franken, Country Manager at AB InBev Namibia, regarding the company’s drive towards Smart Drinking and greener methods for people and planet.

SPAR Namibia : A Brand Built on Trust

SPAR Namibia has established a reputation for quality and affordability thanks to its values of family, passion and entrepreneurship.