Lucy Pilgrim

Lucy Pilgrim is an in-house writer for Food & Beverage Outlook Magazine, where she is responsible for interviewing corporate executives and crafting original features for the magazine, corporate brochures, and the digital platform.
Senior Editor
18 Features

Kuku Foods East Africa : Hatching the Leaders of Tomorrow

Regional KFC franchisee Kuku Foods East Africa is unwaveringly committed to offering exclusively Finger Lickin’ Good chicken for its customers.

By Josh Rayfield Lucy Pilgrim

Perla Harghitei and Apemin Tuşnad : Sustainably Quenching Romania’s Thirst

Responsibly sourcing mineral water with care, Perla Harghitei and Apemin Tușnad are investing heavily in new technology and sustainable practices. CEO, Mihai Neagu, tells us how.

By Poppi Burke Lucy Pilgrim

Pizza Pilgrims : In Crust We Trust

Nestled in the heart of the UK’s culinary scene, Pizza Pilgrims elevates well-loved Neapolitan pizza to a new level, incorporating traditional Italian flavours with a distinct, artisanal personality.

By Poppi Burke Lucy Pilgrim

International Women’s Coffee Alliance : Strong Women Equals Strong Coffee

Shining a light on the importance of female advocacy and supporting their growth in the global coffee network, we take a look at the critical impact of the International Women’s Coffee Alliance.

By Lucy Pilgrim

Kenny Hills Hospitality Group : The Home of Craft Baking Expansion

Renowned in Malaysia for baked goods that heal the soul, Kenny Hills Hospitality Group has achieved enviable expansion and tremendous product growth. Kai Zen Au, Managing Director, tells us more.

By Poppi Burke Lucy Pilgrim

Varda : Farming for the Future

Davide Ceper, CEO of Varda, highlights how the company is spearheading the use of data to have a tangible, sustainable impact on the agricultural supply chain.

By Lucy Pilgrim

Schreiber Foods : Delivering Dairy Excellence

Positioned as a customer brand leader in the dairy sector, Schreiber Foods goes above and beyond to serve its vast client base, which spans five continents, with top-quality products and integrity.

By Scarlett Burke Lucy Pilgrim

MSI Express : Placing Customers at the Center

As MSI Express bolsters its renowned reputation for producing, packaging, and delivering liquid and dry goods, CEO Charles Weinberg enlightens us on the company’s customer-centric approach.

By Scarlett Burke Lucy Pilgrim

365discount : A New Dawn For Discount Shopping

As the company transitions into new leadership, we talk to Michael Tilsted, new Managing Director, and Thomas Nielsen, former Managing Director, about how 365discount unreservedly commits to supplying affordable but nutritious produce to its customers.

By Poppi Burke Lucy Pilgrim

Osho Chemical Industries Ltd. : Cultivating Cooperative Agrichemicals

Celebrating its 30th anniversary, we speak to Osho Chemicals Industries Ltd. about the African agribusiness sector and local farming network.

By Josh Rayfield Lucy Pilgrim